Lewes Mobile Home Park Hit With Notice-of-Violation


The Donovan Smith Mobile Home Park LLC of Lewes received a Notice of Violation from the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control Thursday for continuing violations of state laws that govern wastewater treatment and disposal systems.

According to DNREC, the community’s onsite wastewater treatment system was found to be out of compliance, posing risks to public health and the environment. Surfacing wastewater “poses public health exposure concerns and contributes to groundwater pollution.”

DNREC added that routine monitoring of the onsite drinking water system shows that the community drinking water wells have not been impacted.

“This action follows several months of work to document the ongoing onsite wastewater treatment and disposal violations at the Donovan Smith Manufactured Home Community. It sets enforceable deadlines to fix the issue for residents in this community and push the improved sewer connection project forward, the first project under an important plan to address wastewater and drinking water issues in underserved communities throughout Delaware,” DNREC Secretary Shawn Garvin said.

Sussex County Councilman Mark Schaeffer was critical of DNREC in June for not moving faster to deal with a situation that resulted in bad smells and algae blooms in the community. DNREC said Thursday it has been working with Delaware Health and Social Services and the Delaware State Housing Authority to prioritize underserved communities with water and wastewater issues. The City of Lewes is willing to connect the community to its central sewer system.

The Notice of Violation also documents ongoing noncompliance at the Donovan Smith community and establishes deadlines for it to correct the problem and move forward on the sewer connection. Financing would come from the underserved communities initiative administered by DNREC and DHSS.

Additionally, the NOV calls for cordoning off areas where wastewater has surfaced, and a mandatory pumping of the community’s septic system.
