Local Principal Receives National Recognition

A school principal in Sussex County is one of ten to receive national recognition for outstanding school leadership.

U.S. Education Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos bestowed the honor upon Carol Leveilee, Principal of Frederick Douglass Elementary School in Seaford. The principals were chosen from the group of 2020 National Blue Ribbon Schools that were recognized earlier this year.

The 2020 Terrel H. Bell Award honors school leaders who are ‘committed to education as a powerful and liberating force in people’s lives. It is named after the nation’s second U.S. Secretary of Education.

Leveilee and the other ten principals will be honored during a virtual awards ceremony in November.

“Excellent learning environments are led by excellent leaders—those willing to think innovatively and creatively about how best to serve students and support teachers,” DeVos said. “I’m honored to, once again this year, recognize the talented principals who are this year’s Bell Award winners. They are the ones leading needed transformation at the most local level and are committed to student success.” 

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