Man accused of resisting arrest has a history of adversarial encounters with police

The man accusing Harrington Police of brutality has a history of adversarial encounters with police.

According to court records, Jermaine Newcomb was charged with resisting arrest three times over the past 25 years in Dorchester and Caroline Counties. In 1993 resisting charges were dropped after Newcomb pled guilty to a more serious charge. In 1997, he pled guilty to resisting arrest charges. In late December 2014, Newcomb got a failure to obey a reasonable and lawful order charge along with a resisting arrest charge.

In an interview with ItzYourzRadioLive, Newcomb says he was walking to his car when Harrington Police officers came up from behind Newcomb, put him in a chokehold, and body slammed him to the ground before punching him in the face and unleashing a K9 Unit.

Harrington Police Department is conducting an investigation into their response last weekend, calling in Wilmington Police Department and an independent agency to perform an internal affairs review.