Maryland Department of Transportation Pursuing Federal Grants as Part of Commitment to Community Connectivity


The Maryland Department of Transportation has submitted five funding requests for nearly $24 million to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods grant program for projects that will restore community connections and address transportation facilities that have historically divided neighborhoods. Maryland Transportation Secretary Paul Wiedefeld say it’s incumbent upon the Maryland Department of Transportation to take an inclusive and proactive approach to identify and deliver projects that restore community connectivity and increase access to schools, transit, medical facilities and other key elements of community life.

One of the projects is as follows:

Enhancing Easton Neighborhood Access on US 50 (Construction) – This project will add new sidewalks, provide raised landscaped medians, and install new pedestrian signals at MD 328 and MD 331 on US 50, from Dutchman’s Lane to Lomax Street. These enhancements represent a comprehensive suite of improvements that will increase access to essential destinations for the community in a historically disadvantaged rural area. Grant request: $3.3 million
