Maryland joins lawsuit against Trump Administration over 2020 Census

Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh says the state will join in a lawsuit against plans to include questions about citizenship in the 2020 census.

The Trump administration says the questions will help enforce voting laws, but Frosh says it’s nothing but an attempt to drive down participation in the census and will result in an undercount of immigrant voters.

Republican candidate for Maryland鈥檚 Attorney General Craig Wolf tells WGMD Frosh is obsessing over the Trump Administration instead of focusing on Maryland.

“I simply think that what Brian Frosh is trying to do…is he’s trying to tie up the Administration, to slow down the changes that are being made by the Administration,” says Wolf. “The legislature gave him the power to do that, but its an abuse of his discretion. He should be focused on Maryland, not on the Administration.”

Several other sates, including Delware, have also signed onto the federal suit trying to block the questions from being asked.