Md. State Police Enhance Patrols For Holiday Weekend


Maryland State Police troopers will be on extra alert for speeders and impaired, distracted or aggressive drivers over the Labor Day weekend.

Troopers are using a variety of initiatives starting today (Thursday) to keep traffic moving, respond quickly to any incidents and to take appropriate enforcement action when violations are observed. Additional troopers will support operations out of all 23 Maryland State Police barracks, funded by highway safety grants from the Maryland Department of Transportation Highway Safety Office.

Officers will also work closely with personnel from MDOT State Highway Administration, which helps arrange detours at crash sites and conducts courtesy patrols to assist motorists.

Maryland State Police also provided guidance for having a happy and safe Labor Day weekend:

If you are attending a Labor Day gathering:

  • Designate your sober driver in advance and give that person your car keys.
  • If you’re planning on driving, avoid drinking.
  • Consider using public transportation, call a taxi or use a ride-share service if you don’t have a sober driver.
  • Don’t let a friend drive if you think they are impaired.
  • If you see someone who you believe is driving impaired, call police.
  • Always buckle up.
  • Don’t text, use a cellphone that is not hands-free or drive distracted.

If you are hosting a Labor Day gathering:

  • Remember, you can be held liable if someone you served alcohol to ends up in an impaired-driving crash.
  • Serve plenty of food and non-alcoholic beverages
  • Ensure sober drivers or alternative modes of transportation are set up in advance for guest who are planning to drink alcoholic beverages.
  • Have contact information for local taxi companies readily available.
  • Take away the keys from anyone who is thinking of driving impaired.
