MDOT Last Call to Pay Video Tolls & Save

If you owe tolls in the state of Maryland – the grace period to pay them without civil penalties will end on Wednesday. The grace period – or Customer Assistance Plan offers a civil penalty waiver for Video Tolls and has been in effect for the past 9 months. On December 1st toll debt referrals to Central Collection Unit for collections actions – and to the Motor Vehicle Administration for vehicle registration suspensions which will resume.

Additional information from MDOT:

Before the grace period ends, MDTA also encourages all E-ZPass customers who had any periods with insufficient funds on their accounts, to check all of their license plates for Video Tolls at Find My TollsSince Video Tolls are recorded to the registered vehicle owner and are separate from E-ZPass accounts, replenishing E-ZPass account funds will not pay for outstanding Video Tolls.

In February, the MDTA Board approved the nine-month Customer Assistance Plan. Since then, for every Video Toll transaction paid in full while the plan is in place, the corresponding civil penalty is waived. In addition, toll debt referrals to CCU and to MDOT MVA were ceased until December 1. As of November 27, 2022, $137 million in civil penalties have been waived for approximately 756,000 drivers and businesses that have paid their outstanding Video Tolls.

Please be aware the Customer Assistance Plan is not toll forgiveness, nor is it an elimination of tolls owed. Tolling remains in effect statewide and drivers are responsible for paying the outstanding toll amount.

Pay tolls now – don’t wait until it’s too late. For customers who choose not to pay their Video Tolls before the due date on the notice, mailings of citations/civil penalties have continued during the grace period and will remain in effect if tolls are not paid by 11:59 p.m. November 30. On December 1, 2022, customers will be responsible for the full amounts of all unpaid tolls as well as any civil penalties, which will be due based on the printed due dates.

Need help? Please reach out to us before the grace period ends. We’ve already had many Video Toll customers reach out to us, and we’ve provided them significant savings when they open up an E-ZPass Maryland account, in addition to the civil penalty waiver. During this limited time, the website also gives customers the direct option to convert your Video Tolls to E-ZPass or Pay-By-Plate, when Video Tolls are searched through Find My Tolls. Drivers who use our toll facilities regularly and accrue high volumes of Video Tolls can really benefit and save.

If you believe you cannot pay all your tolls before the November 30 deadline, please pay every outstanding toll that you can to have the associated civil penalties waived and have your toll and civil penalty debts reduced.

Customers with unpaid Video Tolls can pay by the following methods:

  • Visit Find My Tollsand find tolls using the notice mailing number(s) or by checking all license plates.
  • Mail the bottom portion of the notice(s) along with your check/money order (do not send cash) payable to:


MDOT Last Call to Pay Video Tolls & Save
Maryland Transportation Authority
P.O. Box 12853Philadelphia, PA 19176-0853

  • Use the automated call system 24/7 at 1-866-320-9995 (select Option 1 for Notice of Toll Due, then enter the mailing number on the notice when prompted).
  • Visit an in-person Customer Service Center.
