Miss Delaware 2018 Crowned Saturday Night in Lewes

L-R: 4th runner-up Riley Slate, 1st runner-up Rebecca Gasperetti, Miss Delaware 2018 Joanna Wicks, 2nd runner-up Emily Beale, 4th runner-up Lauren Haberstroh / Image courtesy Miss Delaware Scholarship Organization Facebook page

After several years in Dover, the Miss Delaware Scholarship Pageant and Miss Delaware Outstanding Teen Pageant have moved back to Cape Henlopen High School. Last night a new Miss Delaware was crowned for 2018 – she is Joanna Wicks – Miss Wilmington. She will represent Delaware in the Miss America Pageant in September.

Joanna Wicks currently lives in New Castle County and is a graduate of the University of Delaware.  She teaches art at St Thomas More Academy in Magnolia.