MSP Trying to Identify Vehicles Possibly Involved in 2022 Homicide on Old Quantico Road in Salisbury


Still from security video supplied by MSP

Your help is needed to identify two vehicles of interest connected to a 2022 homicide in Wicomico County. The vehicles are a light-colored and dark-colored sedan that were recorded on video just before 6pm on February 25 as they drove up to a home on Old Quantico Road in Salisbury. The victim, 23 year old Craig Polk was seen alive on that day – and reported missing to police the following day. Polk’s body was found May 3 on the edge of a field near Rockawalkin Road in Salisbury. Polk’s body has been identified by the State Medical Examiner who said he died from a gunshot wound. Anyone with information on the case are asked to contact Maryland State Police at 410-430-1556.

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