New Sussex Council Members & Clerk of Peace Sworn In

L-R: Mark Schaeffer, Cindy Green, President Mike Vincent, Doug Hudson, Vice President John Rieley

UPDATED – 10am – The Sussex County Council has reorganized – re-electing Mike Vincent as the Council President and electing John Rieley as the Council Vice President. Everett Moore will continue as the County Attorney and Vince Robertson as Assistant County Attorney. County Administrator, Todd Lawson also read Ellen Magee’s letter of resignation from the Board of Adjustment into the record.


Three Sussex County Council members and Norman “Jay” Jones, the County Clerk of Peace were sworn into office this morning in the Council chambers in Georgetown. Mike Vincent was re-elected to his seat in District 1, District 2 Councilwoman, Cindy Green and District 3 Councilman, Mark Schaeffer, were elected last November. They will take part in their first council meeting this morning at 10.

Newly appointed Register of Wills, Ellen Magee, was sworn in Monday morning by retired Delaware Court of Chancery Chancellor William Chandler. Magee, who resigned her seat on the County Board of Adjustment, will fill the vacancy left by Cindy Green when she was elected to the County Council. The Register of Wills will be up for election in November 2022.