OCPD Investigating Complaint of Workplace Misconduct

An investigation regarding workplace misconduct in the Ocean City Police Department is underway by the OCPD’s Office of Professional Standards. In a statement from Chief Ross Buzzuro, the complaint involves five Ocean City Police officers – three of which have been suspended pending the outcome of the investigation. One has been transferred from Patrol to Support Services Division. This is an ongoing Administrative investigation and findings will be sent to the Worcester County Administrative Charging Committee.

Additional information from OCPD:

Chief Buzzuro and the Ocean City Police Department take this matter seriously and are committed to conducting comprehensive and meticulous investigations of citizen complaints.

Under the current statutory requirements (Police Reform), when a citizen files a complaint, they will receive a receipt for their complaint, and the complaint will then be forwarded to the Police Accountability Board. Citizens will have access to a database allowing them to track the progress of their complaint through the process. The Ocean City Police Department will examine all available evidence and thoroughly investigate the facts and circumstances surrounding the reported incident. Once the investigation is completed, the complaint will be sent to the Worcester County Administrative Charging Committee, which will evaluate the complaint and relay a determination on how to proceed to the Chief of Police.