OMC Releases Additional Sections of Informal Draft Regulations for Review


Additional sections of the information draft regulations have been released by the Delaware Office of Marijuana Commissioner. These sections are related to testing, sampling, waste, disposal, appeals, variances and fee schedules and are available for review – informal public comment through the OMC website will close on March 29th.

Additional information from the OMC:

Once this informal feedback has been collected, considered, and appropriate revisions are made in response to the feedback, the OMC will begin the formal rulemaking process.

Pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act, Chapter 101 of Title 29, the OMC shall file notice and text of proposed regulation with the Registrar for publication in the Register of Regulations.

OMC continues to encourage stakeholders and members of the public to review these preliminary, draft regulations in the informal process, as well as the officially proposed regulations when published later in the Register of Regulations.
