Partial Closures of Little Creek Wildlife Area West Impoundment During Early Waterfowl Season


Partial closures of the Little Creek Wildlife Area east of Dover should be expected as emergency repairs are made to the breached exterior dike at the West Impoundment. The West Impoundment was weakened during Tropical Storm Ophelia and then extensive coastal flooding this month resulted in a breach of the dike making it now a fully tidal body of water. This also limits the habitat benefits for wildlife as well as access for recreational users – and waterfowl hunting will be limited – or closed in the West Impoundment. Future closures of the access road to the impoundment are needed to allow for repair work to the dike.

Additional information from DNREC:

While actively looking for solutions to repair the breached dike, the DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife, acting in the interest of public safety, has restricted access to the West Impoundment, effective immediately. Future closures of the access road to the impoundment are also necessary to allow for construction work to repair the breached dike.

Because of the breach, navigational hazards that now exist within portions of the West Impoundment require the DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife to restrict boating access for waterfowl hunters. The DNREC Wildlife Section anticipates that waterfowl hunting will be limited or closed within the Little Creek West Impoundment (where waterfowl blinds numbered 7, 9, 50, and 51, all walk-in blinds, are located). Additionally, the road and boat ramp providing access to these waterfowl blinds on the West Impoundment may also need to be closed for construction work on the dike.

Should waterfowl hunting be permitted in the West Impoundment while it has been breached, information will be available at the Little Creek Lottery Station off Route 9 throughout the waterfowl season, which begins Friday, Oct. 27. Hunters also will need to be aware that because the impoundment is now fully tidal, it will go dry at low tide.

For more information about the Little Creek Wildlife Area regarding the West Impoundment, call the DNREC Wildlife Section, 302-739-9912.
