Post 28 Petitions For Rollback Of Capacity Restrictions

American Legion Post 28 of Millsboro says organizations like itself, small businesses, restaurants and non-profits are in jeopardy as they deal with the latest state health restrictions.

The post, which has been cited for violations, is launching a petition drive to reverse the 30-percent capacity limit placed upon restaurants under an order from Governor John Carney last month. The order also applies to houses of worship and gyms.

Post 28 invites anyone who is concerned to attend a “drive-up- and sign event” this Friday at the post in Millsboro between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Visitors may also sign during normal operating hours.

Post 28 posted this message on its Facebook page:

This is not just about Our Post, or our Veterans. This is about our Community, their Families, and our fellow Business Owners. The time to help one another is now. If we don’t act now, negative repercussion of a much wider scale will be coming for Small Business and our State. We have decided to Stand Up. We believe in fairness. We believe in Freedom, the right to Assemble, the right to work, the right to own a Small Business, the right to go to church, the right to support/feed your family, etc. etc. We Believe in Life as well.