Presidential Candidate Bill Weld Speaks at Salisbury University

Former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld, a 2020 presidential candidate challenging President Trump for the Republican Party’s nomination appeared at Salisbury University on Tuesday, part of a series “Visits with the U.S. Presidential Candidates.”

Weld appeared at SU’s Holloway Hall on Tuesday afternoon, receiving questions from the moderator and audience. Salisbury University hopes to welcome several presidential candidates to their campus to face questions from students, faculty and community members.

While in Salisbury, Weld discussed the possibility of impeaching President Trump: “If the House wants to proceed to an impeachment investigation, they’d be well warranted to do so.” He touched on an issue popular with the opposing party’s constituents – climate change action. Regarding the Green New Deal he said “It could stand a little pruning.”

According to a Washington Post Reporter at the event, there were about 4 dozen people in attendance.