Public Hearing on DE Minimum Wage Bill before Senate Committee Wednesday


The Minimum Wage Bill SB 105 will be heard Wednesday, June 12 by the Senate Labor Committee at 12:30 PM in the Senate Chamber at Legislative Hall in Dover.
Public Comment will be limited to (2) minutes for an individual and (3) minutes for an organization.

What this bill will do if approved – it increases the minimum wage with the following schedule:
(1) Not less than $11.00 per hour effective January 1, 2020
(2) Not less than $12.00 per hour effective January 1, 2021
(3) Not less than $13.00 per hour effective January 1, 2022
(4) Not less than $14.00 per hour effective January 1, 2023
(5) Not less than $15.00 per hour effective January 1, 2024.
(6) On January 1 of 2025 and January 1 of each subsequent year, the minimum wage shall be increased by any increase in the consumer price index for all urban wage earners and clerical workers (CPI-W) as calculated by the federal government for the 12 months prior to the September 30 preceding that January 1. Upon the establishment of a federal minimum wage in excess of the state minimum wage, the minimum wage in this State shall be equal in amount to the federal minimum wage, except as may otherwise be provided under this chapter.

For full Bill details visit

