Rehoboth Beach Commissioners Discuss Recommendation to Expand the Parking Meter/Permit Season


The discussion on parking in Rehoboth Beach has been studied multiple times – the latest study resulting in 46 recommendations – including extending the parking meter and permit season to May 1st through October 31st. The idea was not met with a lot of enthusiasm, however Commissioner Suzanne Goode felt it was a good idea and would help the City to capture what is now lost revenue during the off season events, like the Sea Witch Festival.

However former Mayor Sam Cooper told the Commissioners that it was the most “boneheaded proposal he’s seen in a long time” and that the most recent study was a waste of $20,000. 

The discussion between the Commissioners was sometimes heated with some calling for the expansion of the parking season to others asking for additional analysis and bringing the businesses into the conversation as well. 

Assistant City Manager Evan Miller has been tasked by the Commissioners to come up with some options for discussion at their next meeting on December 20th.

