Rehoboth Commissioners Approve $24.3-m Budget for 2019-2020 Fiscal Year


Rehoboth Beach is ready to begin the new fiscal year now that a $24.3-million balance budget has been approved for the FY 2019-2020 fiscal year. The budget includes funding for the city administration and police department, streets department and parking department. The city expects to collect revenues of $11.2 million in parking revenue, real estate and transfer tax revenue and rental tax revenue. There will not be an accommodations tax in this year’s budget – but it could be included in the next fiscal year. Also included in the newly passed budget is an increase in utility rates and the real estate tax from $0.04 to $.0.06 per $100 of assessed value. That will be set at the June meeting and the revenue collected will go to fund stormwater upgrades, water main replacement, street paving, a new trash truck and boardwalk restroom renovations. An increase of 30% for water and 60% for sewer will go into effect on April 1st to help cover the costs for the ocean outfall project and water and wastewater facility projects.

