Retired Army General Enters Race For Del. House 20th District

A lifelong Delawarean and long-time Sussex Countian is stepping up to try to keep State House District 20 in Republican hands.

Retired Army Colonel Dallas Wingate told WGMD’s Mike Bradley Monday that that his military career matters in this election.

“My last post of importance was with the Delaware National Guard as the Operations Chief. I was the guy that figured out how to manage the unmanageable, how to manage crisis, how to manage emergencies – more importantly, how to work across the board with all state agencies,” Wingate said.

“Helping and supporting others is really engrained in my DNA,” Wingate stated.

Wingate is hoping to win election in House District 20, now that Republican Steve Smyk has announced his candidacy for State Senate in the Sixth District, which is being vacated by incumbent Ernie Lopez.

Wingate has a master’s degree in public safety (Homeland Security) and a master’s degree in management (Healthcare Administration) from Wilmington University. He and his wife Becky reside in the
Lewes/Milton area near Red Mill Pond.

Dallas Wingate’s campaign website was still in development and will be available at He can be reached by email at
