Revised Fall Sports Plan Approved by Del. Board of Ed.

Fall sports play on in Delaware.

The Delaware State Board of Education met for hours before voting 4-3 in favor of a proposal approved last week by the Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association to start practice and competition for fall sports. Earlier, both boards had voted to delay fall sports until the winter months.

Practice will now be allowed to begin September 28th, following public health guidance that requires players to wear face masks. Decisions ultimately are up to local school districts and charter schools.

In Maryland, State Senator Mary Beth Carozza of the Lower Eastern Shore has sent off a letter to Maryland Public Secondary Schools Athletic Association Executive Director Andrew Warner to request that the fall sports season be allowed to resume. Many school systems have plans to bring groups of students in for in-person instruction at some point.

Carozza adds that the fall semester is a ‘critical time’ for students who are hoping for athletic scholarships to colleges and universities.
