Route 24/5/23 Project Rolls Out This Week


A project to improve the intersection of Route 24 at Routes 5 / 23 begins this week.

Motorists can expect nighttime lane closures in the area between 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. through this Friday, with more nighttime work and lane closures next week.

According to DelDOT, the work will involve providing new lanes, shoulders and curbs, extending left-turn lanes and making improvements such as bike lanes, bus stops, sidewalks and crosswalks. The entire project is in six phases and is expected to be completed by the spring of 2023.

For more information, please CLICK HERE

DelDOT provided these details about the multi-phase project:

Phase 1 – Retrofit the existing stormwater pond, remove the existing channelizing islands, remove existing signal equipment and activate new signal heads and detection zones at the Route 24 and Route 5/Route 23 intersection.

Phase 2 – Construct Eastbound side of Route 24

Phase 3 – Construct Westbound side of Route 24

Phase 4 – Construct east sides of Route 5 and Route 23

Phase 5 – Construct west sides of Route 5 and Route 23

Phase 6 – Construct the proposed channelizing islands at Route 24 and Route 5/Route 23, milling and overlay entire project limits.
