SCI Abuse Complaint Amended to Include More Plaintiffs


Additional allegations of abuse at Sussex Correctional Institution are contained in an amended complaint.

A complaint was first filed in U.S. District Court last December on behalf of two people who were incarcerated and alleged violations of their constitutional rights. The list of plaintiffs grew to 21 in February, and now a second amended complaint has been filed with more plaintiffs.

The ACLU of Delaware and Whiteford Taylor Preston LLC have been representing inmates, who allege they were attacked by correctional officers at SCI. The amended complaint makes specific allegations from detainees who allege being assaulted and / or pepper sprayed.

“This lawsuit aims to accomplish two major goals: to prove that there is an ongoing, horrific pattern and practice of abuse at Sussex Correctional Institution – and to make sure that abuse ends,” ACLU-DE Legal Director Dwayne Bensing said. “The fact that we’re still receiving complaints, adding more plaintiffs, and naming more defendants, shows just how deep the roots of this issue run.”

“Since we filed this lawsuit in December, our plaintiffs have been subject to retaliation tactics, including excessive force, physical abuse, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, and being deprived of basic amenities,” WTP Partner and co-counsel in the case Daniel Griffith said. “We’re asking the Court to hold the defendants accountable to that retaliation in addition to their accountability for the ongoing abuse alleged in the complaint.”

A spokesman for the Department of Correction said it is unable to comment on pending litigation.
