Senator Tom Carper Tours Bethany Beach Area Businesses


U.S. Senator Tom Carper joined Bethany Beach Mayor Rosemary Hardiman, U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Delaware officials, and Bethany-Fenwick Area Chamber of Commerce officials this week to visit small businesses on Garfield Parkway. WGMD’s Joe Ciccanti has more…

Senator Tom Carper discussed with area business owners the success they have had and asked them about their needs. He also talked to them about making sure employers connect with prospective employees…

Carper tells the Talk of Delmarva that the Delaware Department of Labor, which has operations in all three counties, acts as a “matchmaker”–connecting businesses with people who need a job and helping meet the needs of owners. Senator Carper along with Business owners also talked about the importance of word of mouth and acquiring needed workers.
