“Sharrows” Encourage Sharing Of The Roads In Rehoboth Beach

Hickman Ave. – photo courtesy of City of Rehoboth Beach

“Sharrow” symbols are being placed on several Rehoboth Beach roadways, to highlight the importance of cyclists and drivers sharing the roads.

The symbols differs from the type that mark a designated bike lane.

“As the summer season gets set to begin, we want to remind drivers that they need to share the road with bicyclists,” Rehoboth Beach Public Works Director Kevin Williams said.

Sharrows will be drawn soon along Rehoboth Avenue, Bayard Avenue, Henlopen Avenue and State Road. About 141 sharrow symbols are scheduled to be placed on about 2.5 miles of roads next week, based on a recommendation of the Streets and Transportation Committee that was also approved by the board of commissioners.

Straight Line of Georgetown is contracted to do the work for Rehoboth Beach.
