Shop Md. Tax-Free Week Begins Aug. 8th


The annual Shop Maryland Tax-Free Week is back August 8th through 14th, an annual opportunity for Marylanders to save on back-to-school shopping.

During that week, items of clothing or footwear priced at $100 or less are exempt from Maryland’s six-percent sales tax. There are also discounts on the purchase of backpacks. For a list of qualifying items, please CLICK HERE

This year, the Maryland Retailers Association is also holding a scholarship contest in conjunction with the Comptroller’s Office. Students are invited to create a photo or video that promotes tax-free week and highlighting their purchases and the retailer they patronize.

“Tax-free week is a rite of Maryland’s late summer, signaling the approach of a new school year, cooler weather and a change of wardrobe,” Maryland State Comptroller Peter Franchot said. “Maryland’s high vaccination rates means life is beginning to return to normal. While I continue to urge caution, Marylanders should take advantage of tax-free week savings and support locally owned businesses that have been hit hard during the pandemic.”

“Small businesses depend on their community to survive unexpected and long-lasting economic downturns and we are just beginning to come out from under the crushing weight of the pandemic,” Maryland Retailers Association President Cailey Locklair said. “Students can win a scholarship simply by using their ingenuity to promote a local business.”

For more information about Shop Maryland Tax-Free Week, visit the Comptroller’s website for a list of tax-exempt itemsfrequently asked questions, and valuable facts for shoppers and merchants.
