Snow Emergency Plans in Effect in Caroline, Dorchester & Talbot Counties

The Maryland State Police Easton Barrack is implementing the snow emergency plans due to the storm. This enables immediate removal of abandoned vehicles from state roads and highways.

At 10:00 a.m. today, the snow emergency plan was implemented in the following counties: Talbot, Caroline and Dorchester. The snow emergency plan applies to any state highway designated as a ā€˜snow emergency routeā€™ by the MDOT State Highway Administration.

Declaration of a snow emergency means a person may not park a vehicle on any snow emergency route. Any vehicle parked along a snow emergency route may be removed by police or state highway personnel immediately.

Citizens are being advised to stay off the roads during the storm. This reduces personal risk, the potential need for a law enforcement response and enables highway crews to remove the snow much quicker.

Additional troopers are on the highways providing emergency assistance to motorist during this storm. If you need assistance dial #77 and the nearest barrack will be contacted.