State of Maryland Surpasses 4 Million Coronavirus Tests

Governor Larry Hogan today announced that more than 4 million COVID-19 tests have now been completed in Maryland—another milestone in the state’s long-term testing strategy. State health officials continue to expand Maryland’s testing capabilities during the fall surge, and strongly encourage all Marylanders to get tested for COVID-19.
“Over the past eight months, our state has built a COVID-19 infrastructure from scratch, including a successful long-term testing strategy,” said Governor Hogan. “This unprecedented undertaking has required a tremendous amount of collaboration, including an extraordinary effort to negotiate with a foreign country. We owe a debt of gratitude to all of our partners—especially the healthcare workers at all of our testing sites—who continue to help us expand our testing capabilities as we confront this new surge of the virus.”
Testing Volume Reaches Record Levels. Between November 1 and November 19, the state averaged 30,885 tests per day. On Thursday, November 18, 43,969 test results were reported in Maryland, more than 3,250 higher than the previous daily record.
Community-Based Sites Continue to Expand. The state supports and manages dozens of community-based sites located in areas with the greatest needs, including the Baltimore Convention Center Field Hospital, Six Flags America theme park, and Annapolis Capitol Area testing sites. As the pandemic has continued, the state’s COVID-19 Testing Task Force has focused its efforts on expanding operating hours and adding staff at existing community-based sites to deal with increased demand. Beginning on Monday, November 30, the Baltimore Convention Center Field Hospital testing site will be open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. as well as Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. To stay ahead of demand, state health officials are working with local jurisdictions to expand their testing capacity whenever possible.
More Than 375,000 LabGenomics Tests Utilized. The cornerstone of the state’s long-term testing strategy continues to be the COVID-19 tests secured in coordination with the South Korean government and Korean Embassy in Washington, D.C. These LabGenomics tests are being deployed at the state’s community-based sites, and to help address clusters and outbreaks in nursing homes and congregate living settings. To date, the state has utilized more than 375,000 LabGenomics tests. On Tuesday, First Lady Yumi Hogan will receive the Order of Civil Merit of the Republic of Korea—the nation’s highest and most prestigious civilian honor—in part for her leading role in this international endeavor.
Bipartisan Interstate Testing Compact. To further expand testing and prevent outbreaks, Governor Hogan formed a first-of-its-kind bipartisan interstate testing compact of ten states and the Rockefeller Foundation to expand the use of rapid antigen point-of-care tests. The state has deployed Becton Dickinson rapid tests acquired through the compact to nursing homes, local health departments, and congregate living settings.
More Than 230 Testing Sites Available Statewide. COVID-19 testing has expanded to more than 230 sites in Maryland, and state health officials continue to encourage all Marylanders to get tested.