Sussex County Council Approves Lease for Milton Area Paramedic Unit

A new Paramedic Unit is coming to the Milton area! The Sussex County Council met this morning in Georgetown and heard from EMS Manager of Logistics Robert Schoonover that in the past six years there has been a 28% in calls to that area – especially during the day between 7am and 7pm. The new unit will operate 12 hours a day, 7 days a week from the Milton Cheer Center by the start of the new year. The County Council approved a monthly lease of $100 which includes all utilities and internet access. EMS, will staff the unit 24/7 in the event of a hurricane or snow – and also provide plowing services.

County Administrator Todd Lawson recognized Loran George who was the Facility District Manager for Environmental Services for the county. George is retiring after 30 years with the Sussex County.

In the Administrator’s Report, Lawson announced that Sussex County won its 17th award for excellence in financial reporting. In July, the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada, awarded the County its “Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting” for the 2018 comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR). The award is among the highest forms of recognition for governmental accounting and financial reporting. This comes on the heels of last months bond rating upgrade to Triple-A – the highest possible rating.

Lawson also announced that the council will not meet the next two Tuesdays and will return to chambers on September 10th.

A public hearing on an ordinance amendment was held during the morning session – related to the establishment of annual service charges for several types of establishments – including Emergency Centers and Special Treatment Centers, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Assisted Living, Rehabilitation and Detox Facilities and Halfway Houses, Car dealerships – both with and without service bays, Service Stations with bays and General Workshop for any trade and Funeral Homes. The ordinance was adopted with a unanimous vote by the Council.

The Council also introduced a proposed ordinance that deals with the administrative approval processes for the use a manufactured home-type structure for a business, commercial or industrial use for studio/garage apartments and manufactured home type structures in an emergency or hardship situation.

During the afternoon session there was one change of zone application on behalf of DWB, LLC. This would rezone just over 1 acre of land off Route 54 next to Brasure’s Car Care from AR-1 to C-3 heavy commercial. Darryl Brasure spoke before the Council along with his attorney and said he didn’t have definite plans for the property, but could be office space or additional bays for the car repair business. Citing the change in zone would fit with the other properties owned by the Brasure family, the Council agreed with Planning & Zoning’s recommendation and approved the change of zone.

The Sussex County Council will be off for the next two weeks and will return to the Georgetown Administration building on Tuesday, September 10th at 10am.