Sussex County Council Defer Old Business and Hear Presentation from DelDOT

Several items on this week’s Sussex County Council agenda were deferred due to lack of voting bodies – Councilman Doug Hudson was absent and Councilman I-G Burton missed the first hour of the meeting. So the three pieces of old business were deferred and the recognition of the County EMS JEMS Team was also postponed.

County Administrator Todd Lawson told the Council about a free workshop on Opportunity Zones that’s being held Friday morning beginning at 8:30 at the Carter Partnership Center at Delaware Tech in Georgetown. The Opportunity Zones are in the Milford, Georgetown, Laurel and Seaford areas. The event will begin with networking and light refreshments, then move into presentations and discussions, with a focus on what Opportunity Zones are, what options exist for businesses, and the finances associated with operating within a designated area.

The council also heard from Human Resources Director Karen Brewington who presented the results of a request for proposal for Occupational Health Services. Brewington told the council they received two RFPs – from Bay Health and Access Quality Healthcare. The types of services that are covered include but not limited to pre and post-employment physical examinations, post injury employee treatment, occupational health medical reviews, workers’ compensation examinations, vaccinations for safety sensitive employees, respirator fit testing and audiograms, drug and alcohol screening, DMV medical examinations. Access Quality Healthcare was chosen because of their two locations in Sussex County and their medical staff would be more readily available. The County Council approved a 3 year contract with Access Quality Healthcare with the option to renew on a year to year basis.

A presentation and discussion related to Sussex County and DelDOT Coordination was held this morning. Also in attendance were several members of the County Planning and Zoning Commission. Drew Boyce from DelDOT went through a Powerpoint presentation that explained DelDOT’s roles of responsibility and the County’s when it comes to roads and transportation impacts of proposed land use. They covered and explained Traffic Impact Studies, why and when they are needed and how they are used or if an Area Wide Study Fee should be used. He also explained a Traffic Operational Analysis and Traffic Mitigation Requirements. Boyce also looked at ways that coordination between the County and DelDOT could be improved – including bringing more information to the decision process earlier and having DelDOT staff available at P&Z and Council for specific projects.

The afternoon session included four public hearings – however there was no public comment for or against given for any of the applications. One was an ordinance amendment adopting the Comprehensive Plan for Sussex County to address changes to the Plan raised by the State in January. That was approved by a 4 to 0 vote.

A conditional use application (No. 2160) for a professional office to be located on Savannah Road in Lewes was approved by a 4 to 0 vote. A conditional use application (No. 2161) for a professional office on Route 9 west of Lewes was approved after the conditions were amended to include signage. The vote was 4 to 0.

The final public hearing was for a change of zone application (CZ No. 1872) from TS Smith & Sons in Bridgeville to rezone about 25 acres from AR-1 to C-3 heavy commercial. The council was told that there was no specific plan currently for the land, although the County EMS and Bridgeville Fire Company are both interested. By rezoning the property it would help to save the farm, which has been in existence since the 1920s. The vote was 4 to 0.



The Sussex County Council will revisit three items that have been before them in recent weeks in Old Business.  One is the subdivision appeal for the Streams Edge Subdivision and the other are both conditional use applications for a paving construction business (CU No. 2162) and a landscaping business (CU No. 2157).

The council will also recognize the Sussex County EMS JEMS Team and hear a presentation related to the county and DelDOT coordination.  Director of Human Services, Karen Brewington will discuss and make a recommendation on the Occupational Health Services request for proposal.

There are four public hearings in the afternoon session – two conditional use applications for a professional office on Savannah Road in Lewes (CU No. 2160), and a professional office on Route 9 west of Lewes (CU No. 2161)and one change of zone application for T-S Smith and Sons (CZ No. 1872) for 25 acres to be rezoned from AR-1 to C-3 heavy commercial off Redden Road in Bridgeville.  The other public hearing to amend the ordinance #2620 adopting the comprehensive plan to address changes raised by the State in a letter in January.

The Sussex County Council meets Tuesday morning at 10 at the County Administration offices on the Circle in Georgetown