Sussex County Council to Hold Public Hearing on Herring Creek Sewer Rates & Discuss Western Sussex Business Campus


The Sussex County Council meets this week at its regular time – 10am in the County Administration Offices in Georgetown. On the agenda the Council will consider the City of Seaford’s request for funding of the Western Sussex Business Campus. County Finance Director, Gina Jennings will provide a quarterly pension update and investment recommendation. The Council will also hear a presentation from Housing Coordinator & Fair Housing Compliance Officer, Brandy Nauman on the Sussex County Rental Program. There are two public hearings during the morning session – one regarding pension benefits for County employees begins at 10:30. The second is at 10:45 to establish the annual assessment rates for the Herring Creek area of the Unified Sewer District. Planning & Zoning Director, Jamie Whitehouse will discuss an ordinance amendment regarding the Coastal Area. There is no afternoon session.

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