Sussex County Council to Meet Tuesday at 1pm


The Sussex County Council meets Tuesday – but the meeting will begin at 1pm. The Council will make several appointments – to the Library Advisory Board and the Sussex County Source Water Protection Technical Advisory Committee. They will also recognize retiring County Paramedic Brent Hudson. Government Affairs Manager Michael Costello will talk trash with the Council – and update the MOU for the Collection of Roadside Litter and Trash. Director of Utility Planning, John Ashman will discuss the possible expansion into the Sussex County Unified Sanitary Sewer District of the Lochwood Development and set a date for a public hearing on the annexation.

There will also be two public hearings. Conditional Use No. 2177 for an event venue on about 5 acres of land on Fisher Road west of Lewes just west of Beaver Dam Road. The second public hearing is Change of Zone No. 1883 for a zoning application for a portion of the Peninsula Development that would change the mixture of housing types permitted – bringing an overall decrease in housing units by 10 in the area at the southeast corner of Bay Farm and Trinity Roads. The council meeting will begin at 1pm in the County Administration Offices on the Circle in Georgetown.
