Sussex County Council Approves Property Management Agreement & Grant Submission for Sussex County Land Trust Properties


UPDATED – 10/01/24 – The Sussex County Council met at beginning at noon on Tuesday. They received a presentation from the Director of the University of Delaware Carvel Research and Education Center on Route 9 west of Georgetown. Mark Isaacs updated the Council on how the funding they have provided is used – including to support the Sussex Extension programs, Sussex field crop research and the Lasher Laboratory – the primary poultry diagnostic laboratory for the State of Delaware’s $4.4 billion poultry industry.

The Council had two items of the agenda dealing with land property programs through the Sussex County Land Trust. Executive Director, Mark Chura, updated the Council on several properties that the Land Trust manages – including Hudson Park on Route 9 & Cool Spring Road, Nanticoke Crossing Park in the area of the Woodland Ferry, the Hopkins Preserve – also just north of Route 9 on Sweetbriar Road west of Lewes and the largest of the properties – the Forest of the Broadkill south of Milton. The Council did approve a 25 year property management agreement with the Sussex County Land Trust for the Forest on the Broadkill Preserve. The Land Trust will serve as the day-to-day manager of the property.

The other item is for the Hudson Park project and County Finance Director Gina Jennings tells the Council that the Land Trust would like the County to apply for a $125,000 Outdoor, Recreation, Park and Trails grant through DNREC for the third phase of the Hudson Park project. In order apply the Council must adopt a resolution that supports the project and the submission of the grant application and assign a project manager to the project – which would be the Sussex County Land Trust. No County funding will be used – it will be funded by State funds that flow to the County to the Land Trust. This was also approved by the Council.

    Image courtesy Alan Henney/Talk of Delmarva

One of the Grant Requests brought before the Council this week was a request for $5000 by the Developing Artist Collaboration for the West Rehoboth mural wall restoration. The wall honored the Black history of West Rehoboth and was unveiled in 2022. The Legacy Mural was partially destroyed this past June when a truck went through a section of the mural – Delaware State Police determined this to be an accident. Muralist and West Rehoboth native, Terrance Vann, returned to repaint the repaired wall last month.  The Council approved $2000 for the grant request. 

During Council Comment, Council President Mike Vincent asked the County Administrator and Finance Director to go before the General Assembly when they return to session in January to request that the County Code be amended to include an additional use for Realty Transfer Tax monies – to be used for Farmland Preservation. The Code currently states that Realty Transfer Tax monies are “segregated from the County’s general fund and the funds and all interest thereon shall be expended solely for the capital and operating costs of public safety services, economic development programs, public works services, capital projects and improvements, infrastructure projects and improvements and debt reduction.“

There were five public hearings following the regular meeting. The Council did approve the Assessment Roll for the proposed Starlight Meadows Pavement Improvements. Starlight Meadows is a community just north of the Town of Milton which requested help from the County to repair and improve their existing roads through the Sussex Community Improvement Program.

There were four conditional use applications heard by the Council. On the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Conditional Use 2406 on behalf of Monish Malhotra was denied. The other three conditional use applications were approved.


ORIGINAL STORY – 09/30/24 – The Sussex County Council will meet Tuesday – beginning at noon in Georgetown. The Council will hear a presentation from Mark Isaacs from the University of Delaware Carvel Research and Education Center. The Council will also get an update on an agreement with the Sussex County Land Trust for the Forest on the Broadkill Preserve and an Outdoor, Recreation, Park and Trails grant submission resolution for Hudson Park on Route 9 west of Lewes. There are 5 public hearings beginning at 1:30 – four conditional use applications and the possible adoption of the Assessment Roll for the Starlight Meadows Road Improvements. The Council will meet at noon in the County Administration Building on The Circle in Georgetown.

Sussex County Council Agenda

Sussex County Council Packet

