Sussex County Council Votes No on Right To Work


Right to Work Protest outside Sussex County Council Chambers/Image 漏 WGMD/ML

A proposed ordinance that would allow Sussex County to become a Right To Work County has been voted down by the Sussex County Council. the vote was 4 to 1 – with Councilman Rob Arlett the only member in support, however Councilman George Cole, who voted no – told the council that if there was a way to vote to approve it – he would have, but said the county has too much to lose by approving the proposed ordinance. The Council was presented an 11-page opinion from County Attorney Everett Moore on the proposed ordinance and its possible effects on the county. Councilman IG Burton spoke passionately in explaining his vote against the proposed ordinance….

click here for the Legal Opinion from County Attorney Everertt Moore

