Tale Of The Ketchup Caper

Meanwhile, Gus continues to recuperate in local skilled nursing facility

“This has been a repetitive problem over many years and of which I have personally observed,” reports Dr. Michael C. Trahos, who is Gus Svolis’ first cousin. Because ketchup is expensive, and Thrasher’s will only supply its patrons with salt and vinegar, Dr. Trahos pointed out, they often go to Gus & Gus demanding free ketchup!

Despite Gus & Gus posting signs stating that Gus & Gus ketchup is for Gus & Gus patrons only, Dr. Trahos says Thrasher’s customers have been brazen enough to walk into Gus & Gus, go to an empty table, find a ketchup bottle, put a significant amount of Gus & Gus ketchup on their Thrasher’s fries, and walk out!

“My understanding of the incident last night [Saturday] was that, again, Thrasher’s patrons were demanding free Gus & Gus ketchup,” he said. “The employee refused to give them free ketchup. A very heated verbal exchange, initiated by the Thrasher’s patrons, then occurred. Because of the belligerence of the Thrasher’s patrons, the Rehoboth Beach police were called by Gus & Gus employees [just before 6 p.m.],” he added.

Dr. Trahos says Gus, who suffered a serious stroke while working at the iconic boardwalk restaurant on June 22, is now alert and continues to recuperate. He has been moved once again to a skilled nursing facility in Lewes where he is undergoing physical therapy. Gus started his restaurant in Rehoboth Beach during the summer of 1956, making it one of the longest continuously-run family businesses in town.

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