Talk of Delmarva Fishing Report 11/06/23


Monday I went fishing! First time since August because of my shoulder and I took Mike Pizzolato’s electric reel along in case my shoulder gave out, but Mike’s outfit never left the rod holder.

I was at the Angler dock in Ocean City by 5:00 am. They board by reservation number and I was number 21 so I was able to secure my spot on the bow.

The ride out was a little bumpy, but once we set up on the anchor it was OK. From the very first drop, a little after 8:00 am, to the last around 2:00 pm, I either had a fish or two or empty hooks. It was steady drop and crank.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of the fish I caught were not 13 inches. I did manage to put 10 keepers in my cooler and probably caught over 100 sea bass.

This is Eric Burnley with your Talk of DelMarVa Fishing Report.
