Talk of Delmarva Fishing Report 11/06/24


Tuesday was a little better than Monday with an excellent catch of sea bass an improved action at Indian River Inlet.

Lewes Harbour Marina only had one boat out, but that boat was the Katydid and she brought in 120 black sea bass.

Old Inlet Bait and Tackle said there were some slot striped bass caught on Monday night-Tuesday morning on drifted sand fleas or live eels. They said it was far from a blitz, but those who put in the time found some success. During the day, the only action has been tog and sheepshead from the inlet rocks on green crabs and sand fleas.

No one answered the phone at Hook 鈥榚m and Cook 鈥榚m, but I did have a report from Ocean City, Maryland that bluefin tuna were caught out of there on Tuesday. The big fish are staged within 20 miles from shore.

This is Eric Burnley with your Talk of DelMarVa Fishing Report.
