Talk of Delmarva Fishing Report 11/22/23


Wednesday and Thursday saw small craft advisories up so I don’t think many, if any, boats made it out to the ocean or bay. That is a shame for folks who count on some fishing on Thanksgiving morning as I did with my two sons for many years.

When we lived in Virginia Beach my son Roger worked on a head boat and we would go out on Thanksgiving for a half-day striped bass trip. In those days the limit was two fish per person and we always filed our limit.

The fishing was done casting white bucktails to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel and the action was steady. Once the Burnleys had their limit we helped those who didn’t have as much experience fill theirs. Since it was a holiday spirits were high and a good time was had by all.

Back at the dock, Roger cleaned the boat and the fish and we went home for a turkey dinner.

This is Eric Burnley with your Talk of DelMarVa Fishing Report.
