Talk of Delmarva Fishing Report 12/01/23


My daily fishing reports are done until spring, but I will be back with updates should the big striped bass make a showing at the mouth of Delaware Bay or anywhere along the Delaware coast.

Right now, they are in abundance in New Jersey and are being caught from the surf, rivers, bays and in the ocean. My son Roger has a fishing club for his middle-school students and two weeks ago they went out on a head boat and caught lots of striped bass so that every kid took home a filet.

I will also keep you up to date on any changes in fishing regulations. Right now, it looks like a 28% drop in summer flounder landings and black sea bass will remain status quo. There is an Advisory Council meeting on Monday and then the Mid-Atlantic Council and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission will hold a joint meeting in December. Much mischief could result.

This is Eric Burnley with your Talk of DelMarVa Fishing Report.
