Talk of Delmarva Fishing Report 4-2-23


You work hard all week and hope to get out fishing on Saturday then Good Old Mother Nature says not so fast. The day begins with gale warnings and thunderstorms and ends with a tornado warning.

Saturday was opening day for Trout Season in New Castle County and I did get one report from a proud Dad. Mr. Didden told me his son Peter and his friend Thomas Di DiDomenico caught trout to 4.91 pounds on a variety of baits and lures. Unfortunately, they did not disclose the location of their good luck. Sunday will see the regular season open and everyone can get in on the action.

In speaking with my good friend and flounder expert Bob Baker last week he informed me that flounder fishing has started out of Eastern Shore of Virginia ports. Wachapreague is the most popular but Quimby will put you on the same water with fewer boats.

This is Eric Burnley with your Talk of DelMarVa Fishing Report.
