Talk of Delmarva Fishing Report 5-23-23


I was at the northside of Indian River Inlet around 8:00 am on Tuesday morning just as the current began to run in. I gave fishing a shot until around 9:00 am without success and then I went back to my truck to warm up. One of the guys I was fishing with came to get me around 9:30 and said the blues had arrived and he was correct. I connected on about my second cast and the nice bluefish dropped off as I was lifting him from the water. The second blue did the same thing and the third one cut me off. Fortunately, I carry two rods and I returned to the truck and got the other one and was fishing in short order. For some reason the blues didn’t want my Deadly Dick lures any more. They wanted small lures like you would use for shad. John, Dan and Dan Neumann were there with me.

While no boats ventured into the ocean a few did fish for black drum in Delaware Bay.

This is Eric Burnley with your Talk of DelMarVa Fishing Report.
