Talk of Delmarva Fishing Report 5-5-23


The only good report I had on Thursday was from Old Inlet Bait and Tackle. They said decent rockfish, some over the slot, were caught out of the South Pocket from sunup for three hours on soft plastics.

The regulations for black sea bass and scup (porgies) are final. Black sea bass will remain at 13 inches minimum size and 15 per day possession limit. The season will begin on May 15 and stop on September 30. It will reopen on October 10 and will run until December 31. The scup possession limit will drop from 50 to 40 per day.

The ASMFC has enacted an Emergency Action setting the slot limit for striped bass at 28 to 31 inches. All states from Maine to Florida will be changing their regulations as soon as possible. It will be interesting what this will do to the Maryland trophy season.

This is Eric Burnley with your Talk of DelMarVa Fishing Report.
