Town Hall Informational Meeting Later This Month in Kent County on New Electric Car Mandate


Delaware public officials are hosting town hall meetings up and down the state to inform the public about the “new electric car mandate” that will go into effect in 2025. One of the upcoming meetings will take place on Wednesday, March 29th in Kent County–at the Camden/Wyoming Fire Hall from 6:30-8:30 PM.
This mandate will affect residents and business owners; therefore, Delaware elected officials encourage them to attend.

The following questions will be addressed to guest expert panelists:

• Is transitioning to electric cars good for the planet?
• Can we make enough batteries and electricity for everyone?
• Are you ready to give up your gasoline-powered car and trucks?
• Who is impacted the most by the new regulations?
• Why is the General Assembly not being given an opportunity to vote on this important issue?
