Two OC Council Members Decline To Seek Re-election


The ballot is now set for the Ocean City election November 3rd. Two members of Council will be stepping down.

Dennis Dare and Mary Knight did not file for re-election by Tuesday’s deadline. Dare was elected to Council in 2012 after serving as City Engineer and Manager in Ocean City.

“It is with a degree of sadnessĀ that I step down. I have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to serve the town through nearly four decades,” Dare said. “While serving as City Engineer in the 1980s, we set in motion the first beach replenishment, rebuilt the boardwalk after Hurricane Gloria, conceived and built Northside Park and established the need to begin the renovation and expansion of the Convention Center.”

Knight’s husband Frank Knight will be a candidate in the November 3rd election. Mayor Rick Meehan also seeks re-election and does not have an opponent.

Dare concluded: “there is much left to do to move Ocean City forward, and I wish my successors well.”
