Two Sussex Races Still Undecided Until Write-In Ballots Verified

Voter turnout in Delaware’s General Election was extremely high – at nearly 68.66% but when the votes were counted – it was the absentee/mail-in ballots that put most races over the top. However the vote totals are still unofficial – and will not be certified until Thursday.

In the Sussex County Council races, in District 1, Mike Vincent defeated a challenge from Democrat Hunter Hastings with 65% of the vote. In District 2, Cindy Green will replace Sam Wilson, who did not run for re-election. She had no challenger. The District 3 race results are still up in the air. Mark Schaeffer grabbed 16,547 votes, however he was challenged by write-in candidate Patricia Drago – and those ballots have not yet been verified. The new Sussex County Council members will be sworn in at their first meeting in January, which will be followed by reorganization to elect a Council President and Vice President. In the Clerk of Peace race, Jay Jones will return – he had no challenger.

In the State House several races were called early – for Representatives Ruth Briggs King, Ron Gray, Danny Short, Tim Dukes, Rich Collins and Pete Schwartzkopf. None of them had a contested race. In the State Senate, Brian Pettyjohn and Gerald Hocker were both returned with no challenge.

For Sussex and Kent Counties in the State House and Senate there have been no changes, although the District 20 House race is still up for grabs as incumbent Steve Smyk was challenged by write-in candidate Lisa Truitt and those ballots still need to be verified. As for District 30, incumbent Republican Shannon Morris will continue to represent the Felton/Harrington area after easily holding off a challenge from Democrat Chuck Groce. In District 33 (Milford/Bowers Beach) Republican Charlie Postles was re-elected with 58% of the vote to Rachael King’s 42%. Jesse Vanderwende (Bridgeville/Greenwood) will return to Dover after taking 69% of the vote over his Democrat challenger Darrynn Harris in District 35 and Bryan Shupe (Milford) held off a challenge from Democrat Greg Fuller for the District 36 seat. In the State Senate District 15 (Western Kent County) Incumbent Republican Dave Lawson withstood a challenge from Democrat Jaci Hugg.

In Kent County – there were three seats up for election on the Levy Court and all three go to Democrats. The District 1 was vacated by long time commissioner Brooks Banta. Former Smyrna Mayor Joanne Masten took 62% of the vote over Republican Doug Chervenak and is the first woman elected to the Levy Court (the second woman to serve). In District 3 incumbent Allan Angel easily withstood a challenge from Welton Satchell and in District 5 incumbent Jody Sweeney took 57% of the vote over Clint Brothers who received 43% of the vote. Two Kent County Row offices also go to incumbent Democrats – Brenda Wooten will continue as the Clerk of the Peace and Harold Brode as Register of Wills.