US Wind/DNREC Public Information Meeting Tuesday, March 12 in Bethany Beach


DNREC invites you to an informative meeting on Tuesday, March 12 to learn more about US Wind’s proposal to bring power lines from its offshore wind project on shore at 3Rs Beach at the Delaware Seashore State Park. This meeting will be held at the Bethany Beach Town Hall from 4 to 7pm. This project is currently going through federal permitting and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is currently considering input from a recent public comment process on the project’s environmental impact.

Additional information from DNREC:

Should the projects proceed, state environmental permits will also be required.

Shawn M. Garvin, Secretary of the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC), said the Department is committed to engaging the public to the greatest extent possible throughout the project’s development.

“US Wind’s proposal to bring transmission lines ashore in Delaware, along with Gov. Carney’s announcement about negotiating a potential lease, have generated considerable public interest,” Secretary Garvin said. “While the formal permitting process is ongoing, this public engagement event provides us an opportunity to share how this discrete portion of project will impact recreational aspects at the park.”

Ray Bivens, Director of DNREC’s Division of Parks and Recreation, said Parks staff will be available throughout the 4-hour event to answer questions. Visitors can arrive at any time during the event to browse the displays and ask questions.

“While the scope of this event is limited to sharing information about the impact of recreational activities at the park and, specifically, the parking lot where construction is anticipated to be taking place, we believe park visitors will benefit from the information being presented,” Director Bivens said.

Visitors will be able to browse informational posters showing the existing parking area that will be impacted, inground-infrastructure, impact during construction, the proposed construction area and any anticipated restrictions on recreational access during the construction period.

The timeline and Web addresses for related future public meetings, as well as how and where to sign up for public notices and press releases, will also be available.

The public engagement event will take place from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 12, at Bethany Beach Town Hall, 214 Garfield Parkway, Bethany Beach.
