VIDEO: Rehoboth Police Safely Takedown Violent Man on a Rant
Rehoboth Beach police were called to the second block of Olive Avenue around 6:35 p.m. Saturday when this man was heard yelling, cursing and acting irrationally.

Officers tried to get him to leave the area. But he continued his rant and bizarre behavior, at one point charging, spitting and yelling at an officer in a police car as he approached 3rd Street.
Around 7 p.m., he came to the corner of 4th Street and Sussex Street where police had just received another complaint. That is where an officer held him at Taser-point as backup arrived. They had him surrounded.

As he continued his “You the people… You the people…” rant, an officer grabs him and brings him safely to the ground and they place him under arrest.
Kent Anderson recorded this video of the confrontation with police along with the takedown.

Photos/Video courtesy Kent Anderson
Capt. Jaime Riddle said Sunday that the man was later identified as Shawn Q. White, 27, from Cambridge, Maryland. He was charged with resisting arrest with force or violence that intentionally prevents or attempts to prevent a peace officer from effecting an arrest; Failure to comply with taking of photos and fingerprints; and Disorderly conduct by fighting or violent tumultuous or threatening behavior.
He says updates on this case will be posted on the聽RBPD’s Facebook聽this week.