WGMD Fishing Report 04-03-22


Small craft advisories were up on Sunday, but Monday will see winds start out at 15 to 20 knots with gusts to 25 then drop off to 5 to 10 in the afternoon. Seas will be 3 to 4 feet in the morning then go down to 2 feet or less in the afternoon. Tuesday will see south winds at 10 knots and seas of 2 feet or less.

At Lewes Harbour Marina, Amanda said Captain Brent had the Katydid out early on Saturday, but returned with enough tog to cover the cleaning table.

Burt at Hook ‘em and Cook ‘em said he has the Captain Bob ready for tog fishing once he gets enough reservations to make a trip. He also saw one keeper tog caught from Indian River Inlet.

I received an email from a man who took four boys to Wilson Run on Saturday only to find the stream covered up with adults. Seems Fish and Wildlife neglected to put the notice about Saturday being Kid’s Day on the trout streams in the Fishing Guide.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.
