WGMD Fishing Report 10-24-21


Sunday was a beautiful day with light winds and smooth seas.  I hope you were able to enjoy the day because it was the last good one for the foreseeable future.  Monday will see south winds at 15 knots with gusts to 25 and three to four-foot seas.  Tuesday the wind will go southeast at 15 with gusts to 20 then northwest with gusts to 30 and seas will build to four to seven feet with rain and thunderstorms.

Amanda at Lewes Harbour Marina said the Tog Tournament has a new leader.  Frank Tucker checked in a 7.96 pounder to take over the top spot.  She also reported that the Surface Tension had tog, the Top Fin had tog and several private boats also had tog.

At Hook ‘em and Cook ‘em Dianna told us the Captain Bob had a mixed bag of sea bass and flounder.  The Swordfish had a catch of tuna and the Game On had eight yellowfin tuna.  The My Girl had 19 flounder, five sea bass and one bluefish.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.
