WGMD Fishing Report 10-24-22


Monday was just miserable.

Lewes Harbour Marina said no boats left their docks and no one answered the phone at Hook ‘em and Cook ‘em. Lewes Harbour did record a Second-Place tog in their tournament. Chris Miller weighed in a 4.68 pounder to move into that spot.

Old Inlet Bait and Tackle said small tog continue to eat up sand fleas and green crabs at Indian River Inlet. They had no recent reports of rockfish.

I do have a few reports left over from late last week.

Dave and his crew fished on the Surface Tension with Captain Keith Beebe on Saturday. The worked over an ocean wreck and caught just two tog shy of a boat limit on sand fleas and green crabs.

On Friday, the Sea Jay II with Captain Jamar and Captain Keven had Joe, Freddy and Jackson out for Jackson’s Birthday. They ended the day with a table full of sea bass and tog. On Saturday they caught Ryan Fox his first tog.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.
