WGMD Fishing Report 11-1-19

Thursday was more trick than treat for fishermen as gale warnings were up for the ocean and small craft advisories were up for the bay. 

On Wednesday the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission voted on the proposals to reduce the mortality on striped bass by 18% for recreational and commercial fishermen.  Recreational fishermen will have a one fish bag limit and a slot limit of 28 to 35 inches in the ocean.  In the Chesapeake Bay, recreational fishermen will also have a one fish bag limit and a minimum size of 18 inches.  States have until November 30 to accept these regulations or come up with a conservation equivalency that must be approved by the ASMFC by January 1.

Non-offset circle hooks will be required for all bait fishing for striped bass beginning in 2021.  The delay is to give anglers time to learn how to use circle hooks and dealers time to adjust inventory.

聽This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.